Find out more about Library Open Times.
We’ve outlined everything you need to know before your visit. Please ensure you read the information carefully. If you have a question about our service, please visit our frequently asked questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch during library opening hours.
We’ve implemented a number of safety measures to our libraries to keep everyone safe:
- We continue to follow the latest government guidelines in relation to coronavirus. As part of this, we encourage our visitors to wear a face covering in indoor public places (unless exempt). Our staff continue to wear face coverings (unless exempt) and safety measures such as screens, signage and hand sanitising remain in place to help reduce the spread of the virus.
- We’re providing hand sanitising facilities. Please sanitise your hands on entry and exit.
- We will have printing, scanning and photocopying services and will be accepting cash payments only.
- The following services are temporarily suspended but we hope to get them up and running again as soon as it is safe to do so:
- Laundry top-up card are not available (Motherwell Library)
- Our eBooks, eMagazine and eAudio Books remain free to borrow.