North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre Invites You to Climb Thru Time!
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday, 10am – 12.30pm and 1.30pm – 4pm
Recognising Our Heritage
Your journey will take you through the fascinating story of Motherwell and the surrounding area, from the first settlers to the birth of a town, industrialisation and beyond. Displays on the Romans, steel and engineering industries, sport, leisure and wartime all feature.
Then visit the viewing platform at the very top to see fantastic views of the Motherwell townscape. The objects on display are part of the museum’s Industrial and Associated Social History Collection which was awarded National Recognition status. The award confirms the importance of the collection, representing over two hundred years of Scottish industrial development.
Museum Object Collection 
The collection covers the main industries that made Motherwell famous, including coal, steel and engineering. Key objects in the collection include a chain coal cutter from 1910 which replaced the pick and shovel underground.
There are a number of objects relating to the steel industry, ranging from medals, workwear, tools, steel samples and artwork. Motherwell’s social history is also well represented with co-operative, political, strike, leisure and domestic life collections. One of the star items is a banner from the 1831
Reform Bill which was discovered in a Holytown shop.
Archives Collection
The Archive holds over 200 collections. These include the records of local administrations, landed estates, businesses, clubs and societies and personal papers. Together they chart the development of North Lanarkshire from a rural society to one of the centres of the Industrial Revolution in Scotland, and beyond to the post-industrial society of the late 20th century.
Although all collections together contribute to the full picture of these developments a number are of particular significance to the local Motherwell area. For example, the burghs records of Motherwell and Wishaw, the records of Anderson Boyes & Co Ltd and the Hamilton of Dalzell estate papers.
Local Studies Collection
The collection includes family history resources, over 3000 books, a range of Ordnance Survey and
specialist maps from Roman times to the present and a photograph database of more than 8,000 images. Council minutes, valuation rolls, trade directories, company magazines and special collections, such as the photograph albums of the Hurst Nelson Company’s rolling stock, tell the story of a thriving industrial community. The newspaper collection, dating back to 1873 provides a fascinating insight into everyday life in the community as it was transformed from a rural backwater to a major industrial force.
For more information on how to make the most of your visit call 01698 274 590.