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The Provy Wummin

The Provy Wummin

“A comedy masterpiece”
By Paul Moore

An Arts Enigma Theatre Production

Following its sell out, critically acclaimed tour throughout 2023, The Provy Wummin is chapping the doors at Airdrie Town Hall…

It’s Glasgow. 1979. Does the wean want a chopper or do you fancy a new outfit from What Every Woman Wants? What is it that every woman needed? There’s always been a cost of living? But what’s the cost of loving? Margaret Morrison is the one to help! She’ll lend you an ear…and some cash.

The Provident Woman knocked on many a door on a Friday, offering a friendly “wee loan” to make ends meet…when many women were at their wits end. At the end of their tether…and then tethered to debt.

Join “Oor Margaret” as she chaps those doors and introduces you to the women behind them.

A gritty musical comedy, with a soundtrack of big hits from the 70s…

“Utterly hilarious. Best musical comedy I’ve seen in years” West End News

“Great cast. Great music. Great show. Scottish comedy at its best” Biggar Little Festival

“A strong all female cast delivers from start to finish…a riotous comedy with superb musical numbers. A comedy masterpiece” Websters Theatre

Suitable for 16+

Date and Time


Airdrie Town Hall Stirling Street, Airdrie ML6 0AS

Booking Info

TO BOOK click 'book now' button or call 01698 274545.


Tickets £23 each, Groups of 10+ £22 each

Event Type


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