Loan Boxes

Hands-on learning for schools and groups

Each box contains objects and information cards. They can be used to enhance classroom learning, to create a display, to encourage discussion, to support reminiscence or as stimulus for other projects such as open days.

The exciting part of the loan box is that all the objects can be touched and handled by your group.

£21 per box for four weeks

Download the current What’s On for schools brochure for details.

To book please contact us using the contact information at the right of this page

Topics include: Wartime, Victorians, Scotland,  Toys and games, 1950’s and 60’s as well as photo packs for Motherwell, Cumbernauld, Coatbridge & Airdrie.

Below is a sample of the boxes available. There are new ones created throughout the year. Please call us using the Contact Details on the right to discuss your requirements.

  • The Steamie museum loan boxes
  • Up the Dancin’
  • Bringing Up Baby
  • Wartime Home Front
  • Children in Wartime
  • Victorians
  • First World War
  • 1950s and 60s
  • 1980s
  • When Gran was a Girl


Borrower collects and returns to Summerlee Museum or North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre. Call 01236 638352 or email for more information or to book.