Volunteers and Placements

We offer volunteer opportunities and work experience placements. The application process is managed by VolunteerNL and you can register to apply for volunteer positions here. For an informal discussion regarding volunteering in the archives please contact us by email.

Volunteers and placementsWork Experience Placements

Carrying out work experience gives you valuable insight into a career in Archives as well as demonstrating commitment to your chosen career path.

Voluntary placements are available at North Lanarkshire Archives covering a range of archives and records management duties with the main focus on listing and indexing. Links with museums and local studies services are also possible.

  • Number of posts: one at a time
  • Duration: as required (full-time placements for a maximum of two week)
  • Voluntary opportunity


Whether you have a passion for history, want to improve your knowledge and skills, or simply want to get involved in something worthwhile, volunteering at North Lanarkshire Archives can help you to achieve your aim.

We always welcome volunteers who would like to share their local knowledge or other skills by helping us with a variety of listing and indexing projects.