Exhibitions at Bellshill Cultural Centre

Ukraine, A Free Country for a Free People by photographer Vladyslav Piasetskyi

1 July – 12 August

My name is Vladyslav Pyasetskyi. I am a Ukrainian photographer.

When I was 10 years old, I got a present from my father, Soviet film camera “Chajka-2”. In those days it was a very interesting, even magical process. There were the dark bathroom, red light, developer, fixer, photo enlarger, black and white photofilms. You put white paper into a liquid, and then he features of the things and the people you photographed appear on it very slowly. This is a kind of philosophy.

It’s like when you meet a new person, you don’t know them right away. But only later some features appear in it. Today photography has changed. You press a button and get the result right away. And this is how it should be nowadays. Everything in the world must develop and have its own progress. But some things in photography remain the same.

Translated from Greek, photography means painting with light. Just like in the old days, you can’t take a photo without sunlight or soft boxes. Photography is a psychology, it is the relationship between the photographer and the model. And what remains unchanged is that the photographer’s main tool is his brain, his experience, his perception of the world around him. A camera is only a means to implement the photographer’s ideas. And in today’s world, we can only hope that artificial intelligence will not replace the photographer.

Now I live in Scotland. It is a wonderful country with nice people. Ukrainians are grateful to the Scottish nation for their hospitality. I invite you to take a small photo trip to Ukraine and get to know Ukrainian people.


Cyanotype photography by Katherine GallacherOpen opportunity – North Lanarkshire Artist Network (NLAN) artist member exhibition

The Source of Light

26 August – 16 September

Cyanotype photography has a long history, and it’s currently experiencing a strong comeback. There are many professional artists and even hobbyists using cyanotype to do some amazing things – so don’t think that, just because it’s old, it’s no longer relevant.

Katherine Gallacher and Alison Orr who exhibit their artworks at Bellshill Cultural Centre from 26 August – 16 September.


Wild Heart – Showcase of Zaneta Threlfall

30 September – 11 November

A wildlife photography exhibition showcasing the work of award-winning local Polish photographer Zaneta Threlfall.

Zan was born in Poland but her heart is firmly rooted in Scotland.

From her early days of exploring photography to her current status as an award-winning photographer, Zan’s passion is reflected in every photograph. Her dedication has led her to volunteer for numerous wildlife charities and graduate with a master’s degree in Wildlife, Biology, and Conservation. Alongside her popular exhibitions, Zan’s other achievements include being featured in national and international newspapers and magazines, and providing talks about her craft to a variety of clubs and societies.


Little People, Big Ideas! 

An exhibition to celebrate the creativity of our young artists who attend NLC, Art Attack classes

18 November – 16 December

More information coming soon.


Venue opening: Monday – Saturday, 10am-4pm.

For enquiries relating to exhibitions at this venue, please contact Ann Louise Kieran, Visual Arts Officer on 01236 856228 or email kierana@northlan.gov.uk.