Stacey Calderwood Exhibition
Monday 20 January – Monday 17 March 2025
Calderwood plays with material and form, making use of unwanted and discarded objects to upcycle and stitch within her work to produce challenging and unconventional work, from the intact figure to the fragmented, hybrid and abstract. Her work permits the act of viewing, the act of seeing and being seen. She captures what people say naturally and instinctively, cementing it down and putting it back out there in the form of something physical and grounding. The fragmented words and conversations represent contemporary life, whereas her vessels lean more towards suggestive symbolic and indicative rather than realistic, just like our contemporary donations.
Venue opening: Monday – Saturday, 10am-4pm.
For enquiries relating to exhibitions at Bellshill Cultural Centre, please contact Ann Louise Kieran, Visual Arts Officer on 01236 856228 or email