Creative Writing

Creative WritingCreative Writing for Adults

Bellshill Cultural Centre

Thursdays 9 January, 6 February, 6 March, 3 April, 1 May & 5 June

6.30pm- 8pm

£7 per class

Monthly creative writing class for adults (16 years+) who would like to try their hand at writing or develop and learn new writing skills. Everyone welcome from beginners to more experienced.



Virtual Voices

Virtual Voices

Our Online Creative Writing group have created an eBook of their work. To discover the stories of local writers visit our Virtual Voices page to read online or find it on BorrowBox if you are North Lanarkshire Libraries library member.


Contacting Us

If you would like to contact us for more information or to book a class, please call us on 01698 274545, or send us an email.