St Bernard’s primary is a co-educational Catholic primary school and was officially opened in 1957. It is situated close to the A8 on the outskirts of Coatbridge in a quiet area with houses on all sides and little through traffic. Most of our pupils live in the immediate area and walk to school, although we do have a number of children who attend the school through placing requests. The building is all on ground level. It consists of two classrooms in the infant wing, four classrooms in the main wing and two classrooms in hutted accommodation.
We also have a PE and assembly hall with stage, a dining hall and general purpose room, a library and resource room, an office and resource base, a medical room and classroom assistant room and a small structured play room. The back of the stage houses extra science and technology equipment and provides a focus for school plays and performances. Within the school perimeter there are ample play areas. The building is surrounded by grassy areas and there is a large playing field.
At present we have one head teacher, one principal teacher, six class teachers, two classroom assistants, one ASN auxiliaries, two office staff, one janitor and one cook supervisor.
Pupils normally transfer from primary to secondary between the ages of 1
1.5 and 12.5 years so that they have the opportunity to complete at least four years of secondary education. Pupils from St Bernard’s primary normally transfer to St Andrew’s High, Coatbridge.
Please use the ‘contact us’ box if you have any questions.